Danny: Chapter 5-8
Chapter 5
10) Describe one of the poaching methods. Remember to describe using your own words.
Chapter 6
11) Describe Viktor Hazell using examples from the text for support.
10) Describe one of the poaching methods. Remember to describe using your own words.
Chapter 6
11) Describe Viktor Hazell using examples from the text for support.
Chapter 7
12) What wild and marvellous idea comes to Danny? Is this a good idea in your opinion? Explain.
13) "Most of the really exciting things we do in our lives scare us to death". Do you agree with the author here? Give examples in your answer.
Chapter 8
12) What wild and marvellous idea comes to Danny? Is this a good idea in your opinion? Explain.
13) "Most of the really exciting things we do in our lives scare us to death". Do you agree with the author here? Give examples in your answer.
Chapter 8
14) Write a brief summary of the events in Chapter 8.