Holes: Ch.25- 42, journal questions
Chapter 25- 28
16) What repetition can you find in Chapter 25? What does this repetition emphasize?
17) There are times we should share information with someone else, and there are times we should keep it to ourselves. How do you, personally, decide what information should be shared, and what is simply gossip that should not be spread?
Chapter 29- 34
No journal
Chapter 35- 37
18) Choose one of these objects (that are important in Holes), and think of an idea it could stand for:
shovels, boats, onions, mountains
19) What are three things the shovel was used for in Chapters 35 and 36? Describe them.
20) What are three things that make Stanley and Zero's trip difficult and require perseverance to overcome?
Chapter 38- 41
21) Complete a Quote Analysis for this quote:
" But we just took what was needed, never more. So when I saw the shoes on display in the shelter, I just reached in the glass case and took them." (p.184)
Chapter 42
22) Character development:
In literature, characters can change and grow. In Chapter 42, Stanley thinks about how he has changed since they day he was arrested. What are three ways that Stanley has changed? (If you are having trouble answering this- think of some things he can do now that he couldn't do before he came to Camp Green Lake).
16) What repetition can you find in Chapter 25? What does this repetition emphasize?
17) There are times we should share information with someone else, and there are times we should keep it to ourselves. How do you, personally, decide what information should be shared, and what is simply gossip that should not be spread?
Chapter 29- 34
No journal
Chapter 35- 37
18) Choose one of these objects (that are important in Holes), and think of an idea it could stand for:
shovels, boats, onions, mountains
19) What are three things the shovel was used for in Chapters 35 and 36? Describe them.
20) What are three things that make Stanley and Zero's trip difficult and require perseverance to overcome?
Chapter 38- 41
21) Complete a Quote Analysis for this quote:
" But we just took what was needed, never more. So when I saw the shoes on display in the shelter, I just reached in the glass case and took them." (p.184)
Chapter 42
22) Character development:
In literature, characters can change and grow. In Chapter 42, Stanley thinks about how he has changed since they day he was arrested. What are three ways that Stanley has changed? (If you are having trouble answering this- think of some things he can do now that he couldn't do before he came to Camp Green Lake).